Carter (Brampton)
A bequest made in your will to donate a specific amount to OPACC as a named beneficiary is an efficient and simple way to help us continue supporting parents and families of children with cancer throughout Ontario! This type of legacy gift also includes tax benefits. Please consult a professional for legal and financial advice when planning your estate.
The bequest can be as simple as adding this sample wording to your will in order to include OPACC as a beneficiary of your estate: "I give to Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer (OPACC) (Registered Charity Number 846324168RR0001) [specific dollar amount]."
Your gift can be either a general donation or applied to an existing specific fund or program, such as a particular local community parent support group; our hospital parking, gift card, or parent retreat funds; our Parent Liaison program; administration support, etc. OR to create a brand new legacy fund in your name for another support option (i.e. scholarship, purchasing technology for in-hospital families, family or bereavement counselling, benevolent fund to assist bereaved families with funeral expenses, etc.). Please contact Sarai Porretta at to further discuss developing your legacy fund. Consider informing your family and OPACC about your plans in order to help us budget and make plans for future programs.
OPACC would be honoured to be the recipient of your bequest and will strive to be worthy of the funds entrusted to our care to uphold your legacy of compassion and generosity. Thank you!
Thank you to the following bequests made to OPACC:
The Estate of Mr. John Donald Johnstone ($10,000 - general donation)