- Mar 23, 2016
Study suggests most female childhood cancer survivors have good chance of becoming pregnant
For women who have survived childhood cancer, the impact of modern chemotherapy regimens on the likelihood of becoming pregnant is...
- Aug 11, 2015
Kids With Cancer Get Futuristic Chance at Saving Fertility
To battle infertility sometimes caused by cancer treatment, some children's hospitals are trying a futuristic approach: removing and...
- Jul 15, 2013
Overcoming infertility after a childhood cancer: new study offers optimistic outlook
While treatments for pediatric cancers have largely been a success story, leading to a survival rate of above 80 percent, some of the...
- Jul 15, 2013
Female childhood cancer survivors at increased risk of infertility
New research published in The Lancet Oncology shows that although women who survive childhood cancer are at an increased risk of...
- Jun 6, 2013
Young Adult Cancer Survivors Struggle with the Barren Landscape of Cancer-Related Infertility
Angry. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. These are just a few of the emotions that young adults feel when confronted by a fertility-threatening...
- Nov 6, 2012
Possible Cure For Infertility In Childhood Cancer Survivors, Study Says
Cancer patients who undergo radiation therapy or chemotherapy often become infertile. While post-pubescent men have the option of...
- Mar 5, 2012
Childhood cancer patients: Increased risk of infertility
Survivors of cancer in childhood have a higher risk of infertility in later life. This is the conclusion reached by Magdalena Balcerek...