Jul 14, 2015Cancer survivors may face barriers to adoptionCancer survivors, who are often left infertile by the disease or treatment, may face unexpected hurdles if they later turn to adoption to start a family, a study suggests. Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/13/us-health-adoption-cancer-survivors-idUSKCN0PN2CT20150713
Cancer survivors, who are often left infertile by the disease or treatment, may face unexpected hurdles if they later turn to adoption to start a family, a study suggests. Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/13/us-health-adoption-cancer-survivors-idUSKCN0PN2CT20150713
Tracing cancer back to birth uncovers promising biomarkers for prevention, targeted treatment of childhood leukemia